Sunday, August 26, 2012

Shark Threat Off the Coast of Australia

Because of recent fatal shark attacks off the coast of Australia, letters have been sent into the Australian government requesting a lift on a protective environmental law preventing the killing of great white sharks. The Western Australia Fishing Minister, Norman Moore, wrote a letter to the government requesting that where the great whites are causing a problem, the law be lifted and the sharks be killed. If his letter gets through to acceptance, this could mean the death of thousands of innocent sharks who might not be causing harm to anyone. If the law is lifted, a trend of slaughtering sharks might take effect, killing innocent kinds of sharks that might not have any history of hurting humans or even being a burden in any way. This might cause a great decrease in the population of sharks in that part of the world. To maintain their element of surprise strategy, sharks must move. And any sharks that move too close to the Australian coast might meet an unfortunate fate even if they had no intention of harming anyone.

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